Individual Membership R250 p.a.

Any individual Christian (true believer and disciple of Jesus Christ) that is capable of making their own decision and believes in the values and goals of the Global Christian Unity Association, can become a member.

Annual subscribing members enjoy the following benefits: 
  1.       Access to food provision for members and the poor once membership reaches 1 million members.
  2.       Support during times of transitional need once membership reaches 1 million members. 
  3.       Access to employment opportunities once GCUA reaches 1 million members.
  4.       Access to business opportunities in projects for Christians.
  5.       Skilling for gainful employment on GCU initiatives. 
  6.       Crowdfunding for individual’s socio-economic needs during crisis.
  7.       Start-up training workshops to start projects and businesses.
  8.       Care benefits to be developed from basic human needs to medical, retirement  and funeral benefits.
  9.       Care for Ministers of the Church through membership benefits  
  10.     Christian Banking with low interest and low bank charges  once membership reaches 1 million members.
  11.     Afro-Christocentric Link  stokvel has immediate investment opportunities for members of the GCU Association to
               own shares in Commercial farms and a Telecommunications company in 2022.  

                                                   MORE DETAILS COMING SOON!

Corporate or Groups Membership (More details coming soon)

Corporate Membership is broken down into the following categories and the benefits and fees vary according to each type:
  1. Families
  2. Communities
  3. Forums
  4. Churches
  5. SMMEs
  6. Corporates 
Information available on request. Click here to request for information.